No running in shopping streets

Keeping social distancing when shopping is difficult enough. It is even more difficult with runners weaving down the pavement violating everyone's 2m space. Unfortunately many runners continue to behave in this selfish way.

Runners should be banned from using streets which consist of mostly shops and other retail outlets during opening hours (at least 8-6). Paris adopted such a curfew weeks ago.

Why the contribution is important

To preserve 2m social distancing and to protect shoppers from selfish self-obsessed runners.

by MikeEdina on May 08, 2020 at 04:05PM

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  • Posted by wildone May 08, 2020 at 16:16

    Yes - all that heavy breathing too! Compulsory masks for runners too please!
  • Posted by william May 08, 2020 at 17:38

    Yes I agree. Joggers and cyclists seem to think they own the pavement whereas pavements are for walking.
  • Posted by SamM May 10, 2020 at 09:36

    It would be better - and this appears to be the SG's plan - to expand the space for all active travel and exercise by limiting car usage. Stigmatising runners for running along roads is especially unfair as they are there because the parks and green spaces where they used to run are suddenly full of people who have taken up walking, and social distancing there is now impossible.
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