Nominated Buddy Household

Letting people nominate a buddy household where they can visit for social interaction as a mental health measure. Ideally would nominate a single pairing. Both parties tied to that, so maintaining wider social distancing, this would result in avoiding chains of pairs. Maybe limited to actual house visits in the first instance to avoid social gathering, but could be extended in the future to support outdoor time.

Why the contribution is important

This would enable people / families to gain important social interaction in a safe and controlled approach. Especially key for children and single person units, where mental health would be improved. Taking the pressure off from wider easing of the social distancing control measures. It could also help delay easing of wider controls while the 'R' value is deemed too high.

by davidstubley on May 06, 2020 at 07:38AM

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  • Posted by roobie May 07, 2020 at 08:24

    Single person households need greater interaction with more than one household as we have just endured 8 weeks of torture and speaking personally this has pushed me within an inch of my life. We have different socialising patterns due to living alone and this needs to be reflected in any solution. We were fully overlooked in the first stages of lockdown and we need to be considered as an absolute priority in this stage of planning. If two family households join together that could well be a large group. If two solo households join together its not much of an increase in social interaction. The buddy system should have been implemented as part of the lockdown to date precisely for the mentally ill and solo households. This doesn't go far enough to protect solo households, particularly where they have mental illness and struggle with suicidal thoughts on a daily basis.
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