Non Essential Shop Reopening

I believe that non-essential shops should be allowed to re-open provided that they adhere to strict social distancing rules.

The high-street shops that are currently open are supermarkets and takeaways. I believe that non-essential shops should be allowed to open provided they stick to the same social distancing rules.

This will allow small businesses to reopen and allow them to re-employ their staff. The high street has already been struggling in recent years and it seems incorrect that only certain shops have been able to reopen.

Why the contribution is important

Small businesses are struggling and may not survive an extended lockdown. They should be allowed to reopen but subject to the same social distancing rules as takeaway restaurants and supermarkets i.e. limit number of customers and keep 2m distance.

by alloha on May 05, 2020 at 01:55PM

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