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There are a lot of comments and suggestions on primary and secondary school children and though my child is not of that age my suggestion would be to establish a half and half approach, 2 days school,3 days home school or something similar, that way they go back to some sense of routine and normality without overwhelming the classroom which I presume has to establish some level of social distancing. That being said what is the proposal for nurseries? My daughter will be 3 in July and should be starting nursery, it will be impossible to implement social distancing at that group and nor do I believe we should, they won’t understand the reasoning and do more harm than good. Has there been any studies done at the settings currently open for kids of essential workers and in particular those in the healthcare professions to see what the transmission rate is between adult to child and vice versa? It’s a tricky balance to maintain but I don’t believe we can keep ourselves and our children hidden forever, we have to learn to live with this virus and we need to have a pragmatic approach to how to return to some normality for everyone.
Why the contribution is important
by AL80 on May 06, 2020 at 07:44PM
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