Nursery return
I have no idea how my baby and pre-schooler will practice social distancing in nursery. I feel very nervous about nurseries re-opening before we truly understand the danger to the children and their capacity to transmit the infection to adults. Nurseries (private and council run) should remain closed until we can be certain there is no risk, although perhaps small outdoor play dates could help those children who are missing their friends. Employers will need to remain flexible to accommodate parents of younger children.
Why the contribution is important
Because we don’t seem to fully understand the role children play in the transmission of this virus yet. Also, I read a lot about schools returning (rightly so, it is important), but I hear much less information about how nurseries are involved in future plans.
by RMM on May 07, 2020 at 11:18PM
Posted by LMC May 08, 2020 at 14:34
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Posted by Nichola1234 May 11, 2020 at 22:02
If those who are able to keep their kids home do then there’s less risk. Private nursery is not compulsory. But please don’t deny parents that are burning out trying trying to work long shifts then care for their kids when they’d normally be sleeping of much needed access to childcare
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