Nurture must be applied in all schools

When schools return we must ensure that every single school in Scotland is applying Nurture: Whole School Approach schools can’t put children back into schools and resume learning as if nothing has happened. Nurture will have to be applied and children given the opportunity to share their feelings and emotions about this experience. The schools have to be a community for everyone 2nd homes for all pupils and staff team work is paramount. This needs to be put out by the Scottish government and needs to be ensured that councils and schools are doing it.

Why the contribution is important

Pupils will not be learning unless they are nurtured staff need to be nurtured so they can nurture pupils it has to be a educational policy put in place by leadership teams in school.

by JennieSeed on May 11, 2020 at 07:39PM

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  • Posted by NCS74 May 11, 2020 at 19:52

    A whole school nurture approach should be happening anyway. However, it is not happening in all schools. EducationScotland should highlight and underline this requirement for the new term and as a key part of the new normal.
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