One adult per household in a shop at a time

The Scottish Government to pass legislation stating that only one adult per household should be in a supermarket at any one time.

Why the contribution is important

As supermarkets are hotspots for the virus, we're still seeing family's, couples and groups of housemates shopping together. This irresponsible behaviour makes social distancing difficult for shopworkers and increases the risk to everyone.

by Finlaycassie on May 05, 2020 at 05:51PM

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  • Posted by MrsBoggs May 05, 2020 at 19:18

    I disagree that it's irresponsible to shop as a couple, or for a lone parent to bring a child. Some people need the help to carry goods home. The only option for a single parent to shop in store now is to leave the children in a car (in summer!).
  • Posted by DuckPondFan May 05, 2020 at 19:27

    They needs to be excections to this. As a disabled person, I could not possible shop alone. Once again, disabled people are being forgotten about. It's like we're invisible or unworthy of being treated fairly.
  • Posted by AnnaKucharska May 06, 2020 at 10:19

    I can see some people need help, this should be allowed.
  • Posted by Tgc80 May 06, 2020 at 12:32

    As a general rule yes and it should apply to most people unless you are disabled, or a single parent. I have not been to a store doing a shopping in over a month. I manage with deliveries from different stores . It is time consuming and incovenient but I will not drag 4 kids to the supermarket
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