One-way systems on pavements at either side of road.

Practicing social distancing when out and about will continue to be important...

My idea is to set up a one-way system for pavements, such that the direction that people walk on one side of the road matches the side that cars are driving.

If you need to turn back... you should cross the road and follow the opposite flow.

Why the contribution is important

There are many smaller pavements out there that will make it tricky for social distancing to be practiced when encountering people walking in different directions.

By ensuring that people on one particular pavement can only walk in one direction, the risk of coming into closer contact with individuals is reduced.

by pilki42 on May 06, 2020 at 11:37AM

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Based on: 4 votes


  • Posted by FortAugustian May 08, 2020 at 07:50

    Yes I think this is a great idea. Not just near junctions though - extend it to all areas. If work places are to put arrows on the ground then it seems silly to leave work only to bump in to people on the pavement. Additionally keeping to the left means faster people can pass and where there is only one pavement the system still works.
  • Posted by Josh May 08, 2020 at 08:09

    Remove a percentage of parking, where possible all on the same side of a road, and a lane of traffic on wider roads and make the one way system for motor vehicles, not people.

    Redistribute the space to people walking, jogging, scooting, or riding a bike, as our streets can support far far more people moving in those ways than if everyone takes to their cars as soon as they’re allowed.

    If we don’t give the space back to people outside of cars, we’ll have gridlock in our cities and no room to exercise.
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