Online & Video Family Courts In Scotland

As there are many divorced parents abusing the lockdown advice to deny the other parent contact or time with their children - they are being allowed to do it through a combination of unscrupulous solicitors who are more interested in their fees and their clients whims than the benefit of the children, allied with courts being effectively closed.
Child Welfare Hearings and cases of this nature should be given the same priority as child abuse as that is what it effectively is - alienation IS child abuse and that is what is happening all over the country. In addition there should be a set of video platforms that can be used for online hearings, similar to England have set up.

I can completely relate to this - I have been 40 days without my children for no real valid reason.
This has personally affected me, so will obviously talk from my own experience, but I do not expect you to look into my case individually. I have tried to bring attention to the abuse of the advice given out - that has been undertaken across a significant portion of separated and divorced parents. This is enabled by many solicitors, who instead of guiding and advising their clients about what is best for the children, instead stifle debate and back up very unreasonable views.
For me personally, I have saw my ex wife take a unilateral approach to this situation and has subsequently deprived and denied me of my parental rights and responsibilities – including court ordered residency.

The section of the guidance that seems to be open to abuse is Section 7:

Where parents or carers differ in their views over safety, "communication between all parties is key to managing the situation and agreeing a sensible, practical solution". Where one parent is sufficiently concerned that complying with the court order would be against current Government advice, "that parent may exercise their parental responsibility and vary the arrangement to one that they consider to be safe. If, after the event, the actions of a parent acting on their own in this way are questioned by the other parent in court, the court is likely to look to see whether each parent acted reasonably and sensibly in the light of the Government guidance in place at that time, together with any specific evidence relating to the child or family".

So from my own personal perspective, while being resident parent, my ex wife who has continually harassed me, my partner and caused significant issues to all around me including the children, she has decided that there is a ‘coronavirus risk’ due to me providing some care to my partner.
This was only after being tested for CoV and having had 14 days self-quarantine with my children due to symptoms previously. From an initial ‘concern’ where I did not see my children during the entire Easter holidays, she has now decided that it’s an additional 3 weeks, despite the fact that I have no longer went to my partners for over a month.
I know I am not the only person who is going through this – my own solicitor has several cases similar to this - and while I have a personal agenda to this, I am also concerned of the alienation of children who are deprived of contact with a parent and also the effect on the mental health of those parents – where people who are vulnerable or are already on the edge may harm themselves or worse. It is hard enough as it is to be isolated and for many people unable to work, without this psychological harm being done to innocent parents.
Parents who make these unilateral decisions for their own agenda are being inherently selfish and only hurting children and other humans at a time that we all must stick together to get through this pandemic intact.

Why the contribution is important

The depriving of children of real physical contact with parents is detrimental to children of all ages - mentally and physically and is a form of child abuse. Many parents are suffering because of this with little avenue to have it resolved. Parents who abuse this guidance need to be held to account for their actions and it has to be made as accessible as possible

by StuartK5871 on May 11, 2020 at 09:37PM

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