Open Golf Courses

Social golf is a healthy exercise played by all ages. It is simple to enforce social distancing, and provides employment to greenskeepers, club staff, caddies, tour guides and provide income to Clubs as well as sustaining tourism.

It seems nonsensical to close off an outdoor activity that carries minimal risk to virus transfer.

Why the contribution is important

Employment of Golf club staff, support of tourism, and overall population health.

by Hamsterpus on May 05, 2020 at 06:55PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 4.1
Based on: 19 votes


  • Posted by Alexander1946 May 05, 2020 at 19:12

    As stated above golf is an outdoor activity that can be played at all ages in relative safety, ensuring the correct government guidelines are maintaned.
  • Posted by margarita May 05, 2020 at 19:16

    My husband agrees as do most of his golf club. There are steps the clubs can take quite easily to change rules to enable the social distancing rule. Golf is mostly social distancing anyway. Take flag poles out .. no rakes in bunkers..only two playing at one time...
  • Posted by gunnbramhall May 05, 2020 at 19:22

    If courses are opened (but not clubhouses) clubs are able to impose restrictions on numbers playing to enable social distancing to be fully observed. This would permit more healthy exercise
  • Posted by Meerykat May 05, 2020 at 19:45

    Being a golfer, I agree with the desire to open courses with clear and strict guidelines. However, being a nurse trained in infection control, I have noticed that many golfers seem to think that merely raising/inverting the putting cup or using some method of clearing the ball from the cup is preventing the possibility of infection. This is not so - a carrier of COVID 19 who, if playing golf, will presumably have no symptoms. He or she handles their golf ball which is then putted into the cup; this leaves contamination on the cup base/perimeter; this contamination is then passed to other peoples’ golf balls, which they have putted in. So, the putting -in aspect remains a big concern. If golf reopens, there should be no putting in to prevent cross contamination.
  • Posted by IainBlair May 05, 2020 at 20:01

    Golf is likely the safest naturally socially distanced sport. It provides exercise, fresh air and mental health benefits. Scottish Golf has issued additional guidelines which clubs had, prior to lockdown already implemented, that completely remove the need to touch any part of the course or its equipment such as flagsticks. Golf is played across the whole of society and is accessible to pretty much anyone who wishes to play at low cost and in close proximity almost everywhere. Golf is the most obvious thing to re-open and would be a tremendous boost to a large number of people.
  • Posted by DrMantisToboggan May 05, 2020 at 20:42

    YAWN, this isn't an important issue, yet seems to be the most commonly posted idea.
  • Posted by BOYCE May 05, 2020 at 23:33

    Re-opening golf courses, for players of all ages, represents minimal risk in itself and certainly in comparison to other activities that are presently being considered for removal of restrictions.
    It is very healthy and, for many, represents the only real exercise that is available to them. It can be played socially or singly with each player in control of his own actions. From my experience, golfers will not be slow to tell their fellow golfers to keep his/her distance.
    If playing is restricted to Club members, then each Club will be able enforce governmental rules or conditions.
    There is no reason why the wearing of masks should not be made compulsory.
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