Open Nursery provision
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We could go back to 600 hours entitlement for a while for most of the children and let the working parents have all day slots to help employment and ease the numbers in nursery allowing for more space to help social distancing. If parents are working shifts or part time they may only need a few full days each week leaving spaces for others to fill.
We could give a more substantial snack a wee but later in the morning and then another in the afternoon to help those who would have normally got a free meal.
We could give a more substantial snack a wee but later in the morning and then another in the afternoon to help those who would have normally got a free meal.
Why the contribution is important
This will help parents get back to work with quality childcare.
There would be regular spaces for all vulnerable children
The routine of nursery and home gives the children a structure to their day and helps Early learning and childcare in a safe environment.
To help parents trust us managers / head teachers can work in collaboration with them to exclude poorly children to reduce the risk of spreading infections.
Lowering the hours of entitlement just now eases the numbers as most children could have morning or afternoon place (as they did previously), thus allowing extra space for distancing.
Allowing working parents to have full days helps the children stay in one place for childcare, rather than top up places in relatives homes or childminders.
There would be regular spaces for all vulnerable children
The routine of nursery and home gives the children a structure to their day and helps Early learning and childcare in a safe environment.
To help parents trust us managers / head teachers can work in collaboration with them to exclude poorly children to reduce the risk of spreading infections.
Lowering the hours of entitlement just now eases the numbers as most children could have morning or afternoon place (as they did previously), thus allowing extra space for distancing.
Allowing working parents to have full days helps the children stay in one place for childcare, rather than top up places in relatives homes or childminders.
by Cherylcare on May 07, 2020 at 10:29AM
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