Open schools 2 weeks before the summer holiday

School should open 2 weeks before the summer holiday so the children can have a sense of normality before the long holiday. It would need to be different, basically run more like a holiday club with zones for playing in different rooms and mainly outside. At least they would have a chance to say goodbye to their teacher and have closure in the year, P7 children would get a goodbye of sorts, nursery children could be in their P1 classroom, everyone could meet their new teacher/class for the following year etc.

Why the contribution is important

To avoid the return in August after a 5 month absence to a new teacher and classroom.

by Queenie on May 08, 2020 at 06:11AM

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  • Posted by llawson79 May 08, 2020 at 13:34

    As the parent of a P7 child, I totally agree. He is desperate to get back and see his friends. He is missing the social side of school massively and a couple of weeks before the summer holidays and before he moves onto high school would be a missive boost to him and all the other P7s.
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