Open smaller childcare settings first
Parents are starting to gradually be called back to work but with schools and nursery closed. Childcare is limited. Childminders have been restricted to two family’s per day which is sensible. Key workers and vulnerable only.
Childminders ratio are smaller in comparison to ELC who can have between 40 -90 children per day.
Makes sense to open childminders first,so childcare available for those expected to go back to work, There total number of children is between 6 and 8.
Door step policies, staggered drop off and pick up times, easier for cleaning during the day and less numbers to monitor infection control, hand washing, PPE for changing nappies etc.
Opening could be voluntary as each childminder could decide to stay closed if wish.
This would be a sensible first approach giving parents childcare who have been expected to return to work. But not having large numbers of children in setting.
Childminders ratio are smaller in comparison to ELC who can have between 40 -90 children per day.
Makes sense to open childminders first,so childcare available for those expected to go back to work, There total number of children is between 6 and 8.
Door step policies, staggered drop off and pick up times, easier for cleaning during the day and less numbers to monitor infection control, hand washing, PPE for changing nappies etc.
Opening could be voluntary as each childminder could decide to stay closed if wish.
This would be a sensible first approach giving parents childcare who have been expected to return to work. But not having large numbers of children in setting.
Why the contribution is important
Parents are being expected to return to some work, childcare is needed. Restrictions in place now are causing a problem. Children are being left with grandparents.
Smaller settings should be opened first.
Smaller settings should be opened first.
by Haggis on May 06, 2020 at 01:43PM
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