Open static caravan sites

We have a static caravan that we are not allowed to visit and the site has been closed by the covid regulations. Open the site and allow us to access our caravan again.
There is ample open space to allow social distancing and no need to have close contact with others.
It would purely involve ourselves as a couple and there could be a limit placed say to only allow individuals from a household to use the caravan at any time. It is not the intention to allow the caravan to be hired or sublet to unknown individuals.

Why the contribution is important

We need to regain our ability to enjoy the great outdoors and spend time at our caravan to aid our mental and physical wellbeing.

by ColinDouglas51 on May 06, 2020 at 05:31PM

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  • Posted by user1234 May 08, 2020 at 16:40

    I believe people should be permitted to stay in their own private static caravan. In my situation my caravan is much more isolated than my home and I come into much less contact with other people there than I do in my house. It is totally self contained so I would not have to use communal shower or toilet blocks. It is also within 20 miles of my home so I would still be using the same main supermarket than if I were at home and also the same hospital should I fall ill so would put no more strain on the local area than if I was at home. This would help greatly with the mental ability to cope with an extended lockdown.
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