Open the country tomorrow
The government must stop looking at cases as an accurate measure of this disease. It is too easily manipulated and is a misleading statistic.
Please start looking at DEATHS from Covid and HOSPITALISATIONS from Covid. These statistics MUST occur if there are cases. Looking at this data we peaked April 8th for deaths, which means cases peaked the week we introduced hand washing was the peak of cases!
We have sufficient NHS capacity and deaths are going down massively (by date of death).
Meanwhile this lockdown is delaying cancer treatments, destroying education and annihilating the economy.
If the government want to maintain any modicum of a functioning economy we must open with no restrictions this week. People are not stupid and can judge risks for themselves.
This virus has been spreading since December according to French scientists and has now peaked while we have over extrapolated bad data and this has led to mass panic. The initial shutdown may have been justified, any further is criminal.
Please start looking at DEATHS from Covid and HOSPITALISATIONS from Covid. These statistics MUST occur if there are cases. Looking at this data we peaked April 8th for deaths, which means cases peaked the week we introduced hand washing was the peak of cases!
We have sufficient NHS capacity and deaths are going down massively (by date of death).
Meanwhile this lockdown is delaying cancer treatments, destroying education and annihilating the economy.
If the government want to maintain any modicum of a functioning economy we must open with no restrictions this week. People are not stupid and can judge risks for themselves.
This virus has been spreading since December according to French scientists and has now peaked while we have over extrapolated bad data and this has led to mass panic. The initial shutdown may have been justified, any further is criminal.
Why the contribution is important
Save the economy, save education, save lives, save livelihoods.
by Dc123 on May 05, 2020 at 01:05PM
Posted by sy278 May 05, 2020 at 14:58
Likewise there are even more people who have it and the symptoms and are not hospitalised.
The only way to get a true picture is to test every single person with live tests and antibody tests to see who has it and who has had it.
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Posted by Dc123 May 05, 2020 at 15:39
We also do not need to test necessarily as large swathes are asymptomatic and test-trace-isolate rely on people being symptomatic then tracing from there. Asymptomatic cases make this virus largely impossible to trace via just testing which is why we need down stream factors of HOSPITALISATIONS and DEATHS from covid.
Please remember if there were significant cases now we would see that feeding through to ICU and Mortality figures - we are not. The virus peaked on deaths April 8th and all our lockdown was largely pointless.
Looking at deaths by day we are on the downslope of the epidemic curve. It is criminal to continue the lockdown in search of evidence when we have deaths and hospitalisation figures. Lives and livelihoods are destroyed by this lockdown. It is not ceteris paribus.
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Posted by kc7373m May 05, 2020 at 15:52
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Posted by BiggGrumperz May 05, 2020 at 16:56
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Posted by sczettner May 05, 2020 at 18:10
I saw a document about ordering doctors to put COVID-19 to the death certificate without testing as the probable cause of death! Which if does not make your blood boil, you are a sheep.
And decision-makers are using this data to keep us out of business.
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Posted by Dc123 May 05, 2020 at 19:00
Thank you for the response. With regards to uptake of activities by the populace, I see that as natural. Humans are a social animal and this lockdown has been hard for us all. The NHS is not perfect and surely some good lessons can be learnt from this.
However at this time I am more interested in ending the hugely detrimental lockdown and this is for future discussion.
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Posted by Dc123 May 05, 2020 at 19:03
Trust in data is key I agree. The ONS report ~85% of “died with covid deaths” actually “died from covid”. It is also important we start looking at the data like adults to avoid the rise of conspiratorial ideas.
The data was murky at first so it is understandable for the initial lockdown, however we now have around 8 weeks of good data and this lockdown is NOT justified. Government must end lockdown this week.
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Posted by wel97 May 05, 2020 at 23:25
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Posted by Scotland_is_flatlining May 07, 2020 at 11:13
1) 10-fold increase in daily testing capacity (for antigen and active infection), and
2) immediate implementation of test track and trace.
in order to:
1) head off an unacceptable increase in the "R" number and
2) prepare for a second wave
3) to address the possibility that a vaccine will not be developped within the next 18 months.
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Posted by Dc123 May 07, 2020 at 21:49
Thank you for your comment. A vaccine is never coming most likely so we should stop living in a fantasy world and banking on it. The history of previous coronaviruses and vaccines is not a fruitful one.
With regards to testing it doesn’t actually matter that much NOR does track and trace. Asymptomatic cases make this task impossible - some papers say up to 75% asymptomatic. Measuring cases is like measuring possession in a football game, potentially useful but doesn’t actually win you the game.
This is why data which cannot be manipulated must be used - DEATHS and HOSPITALISATIONS - and from this we are past the peak (with lockdown having little to negative effect).
We must open up.
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Posted by Cathol May 11, 2020 at 18:19
Hospital deaths-covid 19 present on admission or contracted afterwards.
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