Open the golf courses

For all golfers seeing people wanting golf courses open for walking and exercise I believe this to be wrong as being a golfer who cannot get to play on a course I pay nearly £1000pa membership for letting the general public roam about on my course and not letting the members use THEIR golf club for exercise is ludicrous.

We already have social distancing in a way as we go out in no more than 4 people with at least 7 minutes between tee times.

Golf courses implemented saftey measures before the lockdown ie. No flags, rakes and hole cups turned upside down and clubhouses closed.

Taking Ireland's stance on golf it is the most sensible way and gives the golfers the exercise as well.

Why the contribution is important

For exersice and sanity

by Gazza on May 05, 2020 at 05:37PM

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  • Posted by margarett May 05, 2020 at 17:44

    Golf courses could be opened, it might be helpful from a mental health point of view, as long as groups are kept to a minimum, even using an appointment system, if possible and since it is an outdoors activity lessens the transmission.
  • Posted by elinn May 05, 2020 at 17:49

    1 Increase time between tee offs
    2 Arrive ready to play and change shoes in car park.
    3 Play in 2s or 3s.
    4 Make sure every member gets chance to play - up to golf club to manage this.
  • Posted by GolfDuck May 05, 2020 at 18:11

    This comment has been removed by a moderator.

  • Posted by jowilliamson May 05, 2020 at 18:28

    I would like to see golf clubs open to members so either two or three players can be allowed to play together whilst keeping social distancing. There would be a booking system of say ten to fifteen minute intervals. Members should arrive ten minutes before their tee time. Members would not touch the pin and rakes would be removed from bunkers. After the game the members would depart and not use the club facilities.
  • Posted by Andyrn May 05, 2020 at 18:28

    Golf courses can easily be made safe - most already were before lockdown. Could initially increase time between tee times and perhaps even limit to 2 balls
  • Posted by Connapam May 05, 2020 at 18:48

    Golf courses in Denmark are being allowed to re-open for one-or-two-balls with restrictions such as
    strictly social golf only, with competitions, club matches and other competitive formats still banned.
    For those clubs that are opening, golf is permitted for one or two-balls within the same household or “with a regular playmaker,” assuming that means one of your usual playing partners.

    Golfers are also not permitted to arrive at the club more than 10 minutes before their tee time and must leave the premises once their game is finished. This is as long as groups are at least 10 minutes apart and playing partners remain at least two metres apart. Just like we saw in the UK prior to the lockdown, flagsticks in Denmark must not be touched and the cups are to be fitted just above the ground to ensure of no contact.

    All clubhouse facilities remain closed and bins, ball washers and rakes are all out of use too.

    If these rules were implemented, could the Scottish Government perhaps contemplate allowing people who have paid membership of golf courses, a chance to enjoy their pastime as another chance to exercise in the fresh air.

  • Posted by jimt May 05, 2020 at 18:49

    Golf courses should be open to everyone who pays to play. This can be done by card when booking a tee off time. Some people can't afford the prices of the more elite courses but should still be able to play at a local club. Golf is a healthy exercise and many people who have recovered from illnesses especially heart attack are encouraged to play golf. It also reduces tension from lockdown and associated mental anxiety It should be possible for 2 players to play each other with no close contact at any point before, during and after the game. Some golf clubs have already prepared for getting ok to open by filling in the holes with a temporary filling so there is no need to lift your own ball out of the cup
  • Posted by Hamsterpus May 05, 2020 at 19:04

    Healthy sport for all ages where social distancing is easy to do.
  • Posted by Tompickering May 05, 2020 at 22:23

    Open them, but with normal social distance rules, ie play alone or in houshold or bubble groups
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