Open up and make all but care home restrictions voluntary
Remove all bans and restrictions immediately. Let all advice be just that, advice ,not requirements that unjustifiably impinge on civil liberty.. Give people the facts so they weight the odds against their preferences. Let businesses open and let people get back to work. Protect the most vulnerable, those in care homes. Concentrate resources there.
Why the contribution is important
The cure is worse than the disease. "Flattening the curve" has become "prolonging the epidemic". Sooner or later everyone will be exposed and either become ill from the virus or not. As is clear, the vast majority do not. There is no longer any reason to shut down the economy and put so many people out of work, while preventing normal family contact or recreational activities, and further burdening public finances with huge debts that will hang over everyone for years to come. The NHS has been expanded, the case loads are apparently miniscule and it is well established who is especially at risk and who is not. Do not listen only to those whose incomes and jobs are secure.
by Jean999 on May 08, 2020 at 05:57PM
Posted by rationalone May 08, 2020 at 18:16
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Posted by Kylesku May 08, 2020 at 20:09
These places should be the safest place on the planet but inadaquate controls & checks or staff not following them have let it in.
We need to protect the most vulnerable the most.
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Posted by rayneri May 08, 2020 at 21:46
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Posted by Stevendufc May 09, 2020 at 08:21
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