Open up the charity shops

Open up the charity shops again but with limited amount of customers at any same time, queing distance, access to hand sanitisier and all the other procedures we follow when grocery shopping.

Why the contribution is important

Right now a lot of uneccessary shopping that lots of us would normally do in charity shops is now done online. This means lack of income for charities and more expensive products bought by the customer during uncertain times. Not to mention how it adds to the mountain of new produce that this planet has already got too much of when there are second hand options now behind closed doors. All this also adds more packaging which is another inviromental catastrofe. It's not as simple as saying "well people shouldn't shop at all then" but that's not gonna work. Giving us access to second hand items again will benefit custormers, charities and the environment. These days lots of people are also clearing out their homes but because there's nowhere to donate these things now the fly tipping is increasing and perfectly fine objects go to waste.

by Christina on May 09, 2020 at 06:00PM

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  • Posted by EKopinion May 09, 2020 at 18:10

    Many people cannot afford to shop online or do not have the facility to do so. Charity shops provide the most needy section of the community with the opportunity to make needed product the may not otherwise be able to afford
    There is no reason why charity shops cannot open under the same qualifications as food shops,, B&Q etc
  • Posted by McDonnjo May 09, 2020 at 21:50

    if people are willing to volunteer to work in Charity Shops then they should be allowed to do so. These charities are struggling big time right now, and as people currently have a lot of time to do a clear out, they would be happy to and gladly donate, its a win win !
  • Posted by TracyMurdoch May 10, 2020 at 15:02

    As CEO of a social enterprise selling pre-loved baby and childrens' goods I agree that opening up our shops should be deemed a priority but we need to be sure that we are keeping our staff, volunteers and customers safe at all times. The mental health of our volunteers is now beginning to decline and we have continual requests for baby items as babies continue to be born during Covid-19. We have seen a huge increase in referrals for free packs from health professionals and I believe there is definitely a need for our services to re-open safely.
  • Posted by Stargazer1960 May 11, 2020 at 15:26

    I would support this if risk assessed guidance was issued to charity shops about receipt of goods e.g. leaving unopened for 72 hours or whatever. Hand sanitizing dispensers and use of masks compulsory for customers and staff
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