Opening campsites

That campsites reopen in the highlands but you can only travel 50-100 Miles to get there. Showing driving licence as proof of address. Extra charge to employ extra cleaning

Why the contribution is important

My husband and I are both frontline key workers with Nhs and council. We look forward to our campervan holiday every year. Putting travel mileage restrictions will mean that people will not travel hundreds of miles. You social distance in your own van. Extra charge would be for extra cleaning to be done

by Iandsmurray on May 07, 2020 at 08:19PM

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  • Posted by lcraik May 07, 2020 at 20:25

    Bad - you are putting pressure on NHS in another area
  • Posted by Nadia_tighe May 07, 2020 at 20:46

    This is a reasonable idea. Self-catering, caravan and camping holidays are the perfect social distancing holiday. I’d maybe suggest a further range of travel hopefully the whole of the U.K. assuming low infection rates and a low and stable R number. Also, we appear to have ample capacity in the health service with the new hospitals being stood down already and capacity in ITU units. This the way forward for holidaying this year - no one with any sense is going abroad this year.
  • Posted by lmg1612 May 07, 2020 at 20:52

    I agree, let us resume travel around our own country.
  • Posted by Mosley May 07, 2020 at 20:59

    We have had the three messages of the government reinforced on a daily basis to the point that people are becoming fearful, this is not good moving forward, our NHS in Scotland has not been overwhelmed and we do not want a second peek in the winter months so now is the time for healthy people to go out and about whilst continuing to hand wash and practice social distancing and if they contract the virus they will be less likely to require hospital services and should build up individual and herd immunity. So please open campsites and enable adults to exercise free will whist equipped with the new skills and knowledge we have obtained.
  • Posted by LMC123 May 07, 2020 at 22:17

    This is a good idea, maybe bigger distance to travel but no more than say 200 miles.
  • Posted by John63 May 08, 2020 at 00:39

    As someone living in the highlands I am acutely aware of the capacity of our local hospital. People travelling to an area with a very low prevelance of the virus is not a good idea. Regardless of Campervan or tent, people will use shops and other local amenities and some innocently will bring the virus with them. We have been very fortunate to have had a low number of cases, in fact I only know of one confirmed case. Because of this and the duration of the lockdown people are getting more relaxed in there behaviours. I see it every day in the increased traffic and the number of people visiting people where they clearly should not be. Introducing tourists be it in campervans, tents, whatever could risk the lives of those who live here.
  • Posted by DebbieD May 08, 2020 at 07:32

    Before this can happen there must be a risk assessment must be done on the locailty's available infrasfructure services, stock in shops to sustain local population, and the risk of over crowding at popular spots. People who travel to caravans/second homes will want to go out and do things, accidents can happen with more vehicles on the road, more hill walkers, visitors bring demand on a range of services, and people may not know they are carrying the virus. At the moment rural communities are getting by and have done well to shield themselves as the statistics show, it's too early to open up.
  • Posted by HarrisSch May 08, 2020 at 07:51

    I am slowly coming to agree with this idea. Probably will agree totally in a few weeks. Camper vans and caravans only though, not holiday let’s. It must be your own living space.
  • Posted by TracyMcLachlan May 08, 2020 at 08:14

    Anything that encourages travel until a vaccine is available is simply risking a second wave of the virus with further economic disasters. Holidays are not essential. We would all like to go on holiday again but we will just have to wait. Forget about holidays in 2020 - let's support our government and get this virus defeated, then we can all enjoy holidays again in the futre. WW2 lasted 5 years and we have been in lockdown for 6 weeks. We all need to learn some patience!
  • Posted by maggiea May 08, 2020 at 08:42

    This would be excellent for mental health, physical health and the economy too. As long as people socially distance, use hand sanitizer etc which has now become habitual. Caravans, motorhomes and tents are legally required to be spaced out anyway, adding even further to the benefits of this - holidaying in a safe and controlled environment. I would suggest furthering the distance of traveling to campsites in relation to peoples homes too.
  • Posted by petrav May 08, 2020 at 08:47

    It sounds like a good idea, but campsites then will become places where people living in different areas gather and also come in contact with the local community, allowing the virus to spread if someone were infected.
  • Posted by Americanpie May 08, 2020 at 09:25

    No way, we don't want anyone arriving in the community who may be a carrier. Will you go to the local shop or supermarket? We are already having to queue in Argyll and Bute with trippers. It took me 48 minutes last evening to get into our local supermarket. We have one! Bad idea.
  • Posted by Summer May 08, 2020 at 14:12

    We need to get restart our society as this seems to be one way of doing it safely. It may be that shower blocks will need to stay shut for a while yet.
  • Posted by JLMBD May 09, 2020 at 14:43

    No. Don't encourage transmission from one community to another. You can't guarantee you won't be in a breakdown or accident that puts police, paramedics and recovery drivers and their households at risk. You can't guarantee not to touch a gate a farmer uses or a fuel pump a doctor or nurse uses. Local shops are for local people just now and don't want tourists in them. You have no idea if you are carrying the virus or not so you need to behave as if you are.
  • Posted by OldDeuteronomy May 10, 2020 at 01:39

    As Covid is here to stay and there is little hope at very best that a vaccine will be found for a year or two (or three, if ever) I believe holidays (of whatever nature) should certainly be permitted within the UK, and sooner rather than later for the well-being of everyone wishing to so do. Risks are going to have to be taken, certainly if we're not all going to die of old age before a remedy is stumbled upon.
  • Posted by Jay32 May 10, 2020 at 17:18

    Holidays are not essential - a life lost is gone forever. Please don't travel into areas which are under resourced
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