Opening small private sports gyms

I run a small private gym (for the sport of Olympic Weightlifting only) this is not a gym open to the public and membership only and with 40 sportspersons waiting to get back to compete for the Commonwealth Games etc.
I have more than enough space to social distance more than the recommended 2 metres as we need to work on platforms which is larger than the 2 metres for one person. each person has a platform to themselves for the duration of their session (1.5hrs) as well as a full compliment of weights etc. the gym can be timetabled for each group of 8 lifters throughout the day over 7 days and we have essential cleaning practises after each group are finished with equipment and before the next group come in...we also have hand sanitiser in the bathroom, outside the the entrance door...and at each platform with tape on the floor to make sure we do not step out our boundaries . We do not need to go near other lifters (the coach on rare occasion if lifters are requiring a catch but this is still at a distance of 6 feet from either side of the person.
We have the means to make this work and did it quite well as we implemented this before lockdown for a few weeks successfully. The small private gyms are very different from the large corporate gyms and relay heavily on keeping memberships going or they go out of business as we still need to pay rent, electric and water bills whether we are there or not and most small gyms already struggle to make ends meet so are not eligible for government grants or Universal credit.

Why the contribution is important

This I think is important from the health and well being aspect of sports people that train most of their lives in pursuit of sporting excellence and competing for their country, Going from training 5 to 6 days per week with equipment that cannot really be used outside to no training except maybe bodyweight exercises which has no effect in the way we need to progress in the sport has a massive impact of them. Small gyms can timetable quite effectively and can also abide by all the required rules and regulations that need to be adhered to, Coaches do not need to go within at least 6 feet of anyone as most are intermediate to advanced and with no need to bring in new starts until lockdown is lifted effectively enough to allow closer movements. We cannot overlook the health implications of this even though we are talking about healthy individuals it is already taking a toll with strength lost and training techniques starting to fail which is having a high mental effect on each sports person.

by RayCavanagh1962 on May 06, 2020 at 02:42AM

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  • Posted by Chicken May 06, 2020 at 11:26

    Sportpeople are not a cut above the rest. Same rules need to apply. Then the judo wants to open, then the swimmers, the cyclists ... special provisions being made while the rest of us endure stringencies of lockdown ?! We're all in this together and IF the Games go ahead you'll be lucky. Don't really see how that could be feasible or required. Sport at that level is a luxury not a necessity.
  • Posted by Douglasgjohnson May 06, 2020 at 12:18

    Gyms should be allowed to open subject to social distancing in classes and wearing masks in queues before attending . Our gym has plenty of sanitizing gel,etc. and had introduced safe measures before the lockdown. Bring your own mat etc.
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