Openness garden centres and Garden Waste Tips

Open the Council garden waste tips - many gardens are full of potentially rotting waste given the padding of spring.

At the same time surely properly distancing garden centres are possible.

Why the contribution is important

Removing and treating waste.

Getting our councils working again.

The power of flowers released to cheer us up!

by RenaissanceAli on May 10, 2020 at 06:26AM

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  • Posted by maureensimpson May 10, 2020 at 14:48

    Collection of garden waste and food waste material for composting should resume as soon as possible and before the summer months when food waste collection added to general waste is likely to attract vermin.
    Council recycling sites should also be re-opened with an organized system to prevent long queues, perhaps using areas within postcodes access on different days each week or month.
    MOST IMPORTANT is the re- opening of garden centres to allow them to return to business for the summer which is probably their busiest time. This will ensure that this valuable financial resource is not lost. They could use the same system of allowing a limited number of people into the premises at one time depending on the size of the centre.
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