Organised use of outside spaces
Primary school classes have PE every week. Could these sessions be run in playgrounds so the pupils could meet their friends, teachers could see how the pupils are getting on without a full return to classes.
We are heading into the summer ( today’s snow showers aside), and there are a lot of beautiful spaces in Scotland where regular outside classes, potentially Local Council led could be initiated with social distancing observed.
We are heading into the summer ( today’s snow showers aside), and there are a lot of beautiful spaces in Scotland where regular outside classes, potentially Local Council led could be initiated with social distancing observed.
Why the contribution is important
I think there are potential benefits to both physical and mental health. Having something to look forward to is important to both adults and children. Where people have been taking part in online exercise sessions, having a designated time and outside space to participate with others - while observing social distancing - could enhance the benefits. More ‘individual activities ‘ rather than teams as I honestly think that the return to team sports is some months off.
by FiBee on May 10, 2020 at 02:01PM
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