Outdoor Adventure businesses

Many outdoor activity providers, working with small group ratios in wide open spaces can easily maintain social distance during outdoor activity. It will be vital to allow these businesses to restart asap particularly where participants travel in their own cars to venues. Many of the adventure tourists in the Highlands also provide a huge income to accommodation providers who, alongside activity providers, can implement rules to keep people safe.

Why the contribution is important

I live in Highland region where self employment, and micro businesses, are the lifeblood of the area. Consider also that the majority of businesses have to earn the entire years income in just 5 or 6 months of the summer season. It is critical to the survival of the local economy that these businesses do not go into the winter in debt. Some reopening needs to happen by the time the Scottish schools break up if we are to save many businesses.

by ma4166 on May 05, 2020 at 03:10PM

Current Rating

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Based on: 13 votes


  • Posted by MCC May 06, 2020 at 13:59

    I agree, outdoor adventure businesses are suffering.

    However until the infection rate has dropped further and shows signs of being stable (it will never go down to zero). Having people travel from all over Scotland ( or UK ) - to small towns, villages, adventure venues - is not currently a good idea.
  • Posted by Ayrshire92 May 06, 2020 at 18:14

    A friend runs a guiding and tour business in the south of Spain. As from 11 May their guides will be allowed to take a maximum of two clients on hikes/walks within their province providing they all make their own way to the start point and then observe strict physical distancing and hygiene rules. We are currently 2/3 weeks behind Spain so maybe something to consider at the next statutory review on 28 May
  • Posted by CharlottePlayfair May 07, 2020 at 06:17

    I agree and I think there should be government funding for you to give basic map skills etc and promotion of responsible access to help prevent an increase in mountain rescue and also so that outdoor businesses can help encourage responsible outdoor access
  • Posted by glamismountainman May 08, 2020 at 13:25

    As someone who has worked as an instructor in the outdoors, I think it's crucial that outdoor professionals are given priority ASAP to practice and hone their skills whether alone or with fellow professionals. Like any sports profession "skill drop" is something that is real, and many people will take time to refresh and get fit. There are outdoor membership organisations (MCofS, MTA and many others) that should be pushing governments to re-start for their members. The numbers we are talking about are relatively small but will certainly signal a start in the right direction.
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