Outdoor Biels
Permit practice playing session now!
1.Greens can be managed by booking system as for golf
2. Rinks are 5 meters wide which allows for respecting Social Distancing
3. Practice sessions for 1 player only unless family members living together
4. Mats and jacks to be sanitized after each session
5. No access to club facilities (not needed as bowls and shoes should be retained by bowlers and not left in club house)
6. Washing hands after practice session
7. No competition matches until full lockdown relaxed
8. Club official to oversee practice sessions and ensure rules applied
1.Greens can be managed by booking system as for golf
2. Rinks are 5 meters wide which allows for respecting Social Distancing
3. Practice sessions for 1 player only unless family members living together
4. Mats and jacks to be sanitized after each session
5. No access to club facilities (not needed as bowls and shoes should be retained by bowlers and not left in club house)
6. Washing hands after practice session
7. No competition matches until full lockdown relaxed
8. Club official to oversee practice sessions and ensure rules applied
Why the contribution is important
1. Good outdoor physical Exercise
2. Good mental fitness
3. Feel good factor at return to some kind of norm
4. Safer than going to the Supermarket
2. Good mental fitness
3. Feel good factor at return to some kind of norm
4. Safer than going to the Supermarket
by Lionsteeler1957 on May 06, 2020 at 12:38PM
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