Outdoor bowling that observes safe distancing
Play only singles matches = 2 players + 1 scorer or, pairs matches = 2 x 2 players at opposite ends. Rinks are approx 5 metres wide. Play internal club competitions only.
Stagger starting times - one match every half hour, booked by phone in advance, to avoid changing room contact etc. (similar booking system as for golf).
Dispense with traditional handshakes.
No player access to clubhouse except for toilets and hand-washing.
One non-playing person on duty throughout to allocate rinks, score cards and ensure equipment is sanitized after every game and record match results.
Spectators welcome providing social distancing is observed.
Stagger starting times - one match every half hour, booked by phone in advance, to avoid changing room contact etc. (similar booking system as for golf).
Dispense with traditional handshakes.
No player access to clubhouse except for toilets and hand-washing.
One non-playing person on duty throughout to allocate rinks, score cards and ensure equipment is sanitized after every game and record match results.
Spectators welcome providing social distancing is observed.
Why the contribution is important
To help clubs with a very long history survive, both socially and financially.
To provide members with exercise and company after many weeks of staying at home.
Many bowlers are older and live alone, many having lost a spouse. The bowling club is vital to their well-being and is often their main, or only, source of friendship and activity.
Younger members are keen to continue with their chosen sport and need some competition with others of like mind.
The sport of bowls is already declining and is in great need of encouragement.
I think it is a sport that could well manage the current restrictions, along with tennis, golf, putting and perhaps swimming.
To provide members with exercise and company after many weeks of staying at home.
Many bowlers are older and live alone, many having lost a spouse. The bowling club is vital to their well-being and is often their main, or only, source of friendship and activity.
Younger members are keen to continue with their chosen sport and need some competition with others of like mind.
The sport of bowls is already declining and is in great need of encouragement.
I think it is a sport that could well manage the current restrictions, along with tennis, golf, putting and perhaps swimming.
by harrietmunro on May 09, 2020 at 07:47PM
Posted by Fedup2 May 10, 2020 at 09:19
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Posted by makaplan01 May 10, 2020 at 10:11
To overcome isolation of those who live alone is important for mental health. This is a key factor in the equation.
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