Outdoor Runners & Joggers

Exercising runners and joggers should be socially distanced by a minimum of 6m. 2m is inadequate due to the distance their exhalations travel. As most pavements are not wide enough to allow this, runners and joggers should be requested to exercise from 8pm to 8am. Walkers would be allowed to exercise between 8am and 8pm.

Why the contribution is important

It would assist with the prevention of virus transmission. It would also allow more people to walk to/ from work safely.

by rosa25 on May 05, 2020 at 09:37PM

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  • Posted by Debrastorr May 05, 2020 at 22:04

    There appears to be scant evidence of outdoor transmission. 2m social distancing needs to be maintained but 2 stationary people talking to each other probably pose a greater threat than a transient jogger or cyclist.

    We need to encourage active travel as much as possible

    Incidentally 6m would be entirely unworkable unless whole streets were closed to all activity but jogging or cycling. This daftness would be tantamount to a ban on exercise.
  • Posted by kapercaillie May 05, 2020 at 22:23

    I do think joggers and cyclists need to show particular consideration to pedestrians, given the slipstream but limiting the time that they can exercise would prevent many from exercising. As a woman, I wouldn't go out running in our area between 8pm and 8am.
  • Posted by adnil May 05, 2020 at 23:50

    I have found social distancing from joggers/cyclists almost impossible. They appear with no warning before I can react. Masks for this group while in residential areas should be compulsory to protect local walkers.
  • Posted by OldDeuteronomy May 06, 2020 at 02:08

    Live and let live! We don't need any further restrictions; we're adults and let's take our responsibility seriously without further ado and get out of this fiendish lockdown status.
  • Posted by Rhondamae May 06, 2020 at 08:38

    Agree that more consideration by runners should be shown. They seem incapable of stopping or running g on the stop. When my family and another lined up on either side to social distance a runner ran through the middle! Also cyclists now think lock down has given them a right to ride on pavements.
  • Posted by Hamish May 06, 2020 at 11:58

    What if my shift doesn't allow me to run between 8pm and 8am? And, more bizarrely, are you also saying that people can't walk to the local store to buy a newspaper before 8am?
  • Posted by Caledonian May 07, 2020 at 14:40

    As a member of the elderly brigade I am in accord with many of the sentiments expressed here. As I go on my zig zag walk each day dodging joggers and cyclists , some near misses as you I am forced off the pavement or path, It seems to me that in many instances it is just a lack of basic courtesy and concern for your fellow citizens. At the threat of sounding an old fogey it appears to be younger folks who don’t abide by the rules they can see you are white haired and not so nimble afoot.. In contrast there are folks who move over with a cheery hello.
    Whats to do , I don’t think time frames would work, some highway code for walkers, joggers and cyclist would help if given publicity . There are however some genuine safety concerns . as I found to the cost of a near miss as a jogger ran between me and my wife, never heard him coming , hearing aids a bit selective and I wouldn’t bounce back from a fall these days !
  • Posted by Ret64 May 08, 2020 at 09:45

    Perhaps there should also be a specific education campaign targeted at joggers / cyclists, with a bit of judicious police reinforcement. Cases where people have brazenly flouted lockdown rules (day trips, etc) and been fined have received widespread publicity. A few cases of appropriate intervention to deal with those joggers who are thoughtless might help raise awareness. There is concern about singling out joggers and cyclists, but those of us who are more vulnerable feel our rights to exercise safely are being disregarded. For many of us, this exercise is particularly important as we are at greater risk of bone density loss and muscle mass reduction which cannot be compensated for in future years.
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