Over 70 discrimination

Being able to go walking in the hills. Go to our static caravan which gives us better social distancing than at home. and within our Health Board area. 70+ without underlying conditions to be given a more relaxed approach. We self distance when out but it is becoming clear the number of people who are not is increasing. If this continues for any length of time mental health will suffer which in turn will impose a greater burden on the NHS.

Why the contribution is important

As a fit 70+ as is my husband the attitude of Government is now beginning to sound discriminatory. Totally understood the reason and accepted that it would be necessary for 12 weeks which we will adhere to. If after that, all 70+ are to be “clumped” together this will become increasingly difficult both physically and mentally. For example, today went for our walk, families in the park and although this is permissible, did not socially isolate when passing therefore had to make sure we were the 2 metres from them. Other groups sitting together. Cyclists definitely not 2 metres, same for joggers. Yesterday evening walking through the village a group of young folk about 10 all walking together. We are trying to follow guidelines but unless it is going to have to be better policed.
For our mental and physical health the Government have to listen and respect the views of fit over 70’s.

by Bostonbay1 on May 06, 2020 at 08:04PM

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  • Posted by AHunter May 06, 2020 at 20:15

    Set the healthy over 70s free to resume their lives and activities such as hillwalking.
  • Posted by emwpaisley May 06, 2020 at 20:53

    Set all people free ! If anyone is I comfortable stay in
  • Posted by Staysafeforlonger May 06, 2020 at 20:54

    I’m concerned that this is discriminatory and that keeping people 70+ apart from families and friends has adverse impact on mental health - their own and others. Grandparents who had previously provided childcare is impacting on parents being able to work. Lifting restrictions could help this. Maintain special shopping times for this age group so that there is a safer time to get food shopping.
  • Posted by BUTEMACS May 06, 2020 at 20:58

    On the whole I think the rules for over 70's is best for the majority fit or not as there are very fit young people dying but there will always be exceptions & if self isolation at a safer location or nearer to support needed is better then it should be respected, my only criticism is that it depends if the burden on the services & resources in that area already under pressure or a distance away from the best medical help if needed. I agree that many under 70 are flouting the rules, I don't think enough is being done about it & police should be clamping down but it's not a case of if they are not following rules then why should't I. As for hill waking don't agree it is essential and a good walk where you are safe & not so much at risk of hurting yourself & ending up burdening valuable services, its not all about you 're enjoyment its about protecting others.
  • Posted by BarbaraAnnGrigor May 06, 2020 at 21:32

    Absolute agree this is quite simply unacceptable discrimination.
  • Posted by Maureenesplin May 06, 2020 at 21:32

    With age comes wisdom. Over 70s are perfectly able to decide which category they fit in, either fit and able or vulnerable. The shops could maintain the safe slots that prioritise elderly/vulnerable for those who want to remain shielded and allow everyone else to choose how and when they reintegrate.
  • Posted by Tompickering May 06, 2020 at 21:39

    We need to discriminate based on evidence. Regrettably we older ones are more likely to become more ill and place more demands on the nhs. Let the youngsters free first
  • Posted by Oldknees May 06, 2020 at 21:47

    Preventing the spread of Covid is about preventing CONTACT with other people - or being exposed to droplets from other people. Therefor the 2 metre social distancing and hand washing messages were soundly based, whereas the "Stay at Home" message is a much blunter and intriusive tool - which must be breached to allow "esential" exceptions. As social distancing in some form will be necessary for a very long time - until an effective vaccine is available to all - and especially for "older" people, it really is necessary to take a more nuanced and focussed approach to allow such activities as are inherently safe - e.g. country & hill walking, bird watching etc -which can be pursued alone or where social distncing is easlily managed. The current permissions to exercise by walking from home is resulting in a greatly increased number of people on local roads, disused railway lines and park areas, with increased risk of breaching the 2 metre security zone. Responsible country and hill walking can get you away from the crowds - and does not involve any significant risk or involvement of the support services.;
  • Posted by NHS_employee May 06, 2020 at 22:03

    Let everyone decide for themselves the risk they want to take. This is not (yet) a police state.
  • Posted by WorkingGlasgowMum May 07, 2020 at 02:46

    I don’t think this is discrimination, but I do think that grandparents could provide safer childcare options for front line workers children.

    If children have been shielding, as most parents I know are not taking their children out except in their garden and for a walk, then why can’t they see their grandparents who are also shielding.

    People who are over 70 should be allowed to decide if their children and grandchildren are responsible enough to be included in their social bubble. Although numbers gave to be limited when the social bubble is extended.
  • Posted by lmg1612 May 07, 2020 at 08:17

    Let the older population decide for themselves. My mum is 71 with no underlying health conditions.
  • Posted by Charlie101 May 07, 2020 at 08:17

    There is clearly a lot of ignorance re the over 70s. Healthy over 70s can do everything everyone else not self isolating or shielding can do. They, like diabetics for example, just need to be more vigilant in applying social distancing. There is no discrimination. Just good advice to protect the elderly. Yes it can be difficult when others are less vigilant. I have no difficulty in my town (12,000+ persons) keeping the right social distancing.
  • Posted by DAC May 07, 2020 at 09:41

    The health of the over 70's covers a huge range. Many of the elderly are fitter than their younger counterparts.
    Some are childminders for family and their help needed to allow a return to work.
    I'm sure this age group would apply common sense to monitor their activities.
  • Posted by DennyB May 07, 2020 at 11:56

    As a female in late 70's I have been very careful to keep the present "rules" - shopping only when really necessary about once a fortnight and going at the early time allocated for the elderly. I am fit, active and so glad that in UK we have been allowed to go out to exercise once a day (in other countries. this has not been permitted). Til lockdown I was still working as a priest and really hope the over 70's even early 80's will not be required to remain locked down for months on end until a vaccine is found. But allow us to use our common sense, giving guidelines but not laws - and as a former nurse want to protect the NHS and save lives but also to have a chance to self limit. Unfortunately some will not be sensible but they probably aren't already! Statistically women seem to be better survivors of the virus but I would still be cautious and steer clear of crowded places and public transport.
  • Posted by pammie May 07, 2020 at 12:20

    Whether you're fit or have no underlying health conditions is largely irrelevant. The sad fact is if you are over 70 your immune system is less able to fight off bugs/viruses, hence the reason we give older people flu jabs. And if you're over 70 and get the virus , you are much more likely to require hospitalisation. That in turn puts at risk the lives of every health care worker you come in contact with. It worries me that people are still not grasping that.
  • Posted by anon78 May 07, 2020 at 14:41

    As a highly fit female in my late 70s on no medication and addicted to exercise, I would wish to add my voice to growing concerns, that over the 70s as a homogeneous group could be exempt from any initial relaxation of the lockdown requirements, which, I have, hitherto, meticulously supported. I would not see it as necessary and proportionate to be blanketed in with people, who are frail, simply by virtue of my date of birth and regardless of my own strength and energy. . I accept that age brings a higher level of risk and have no desire to hazard my own carefully preserved health and impose further burdens on the NHS. I would, however, want the freedom to determine, myself, what health promoting outdoor activities I could safely pursue, should this chance be accorded to younger age groups. I would object strongly to being protected/confined as part of any arbitrary group and trust that the Scottish Government in its impressive engagement with the public will indeed consider human rights and avoid discriminating on the grounds of age alone.
  • Posted by Rupert May 07, 2020 at 14:52

    I agree with pammie, the lock down for the over 70's is sensible and in the interest of older people who are the most vulnerable to this dreadful disease. Even if you are fit for your age it will still not give you immunity and if you get sick you are more likely to need ICU care. Nicola Sturgeon has been the pick of the four UK leaders in this crises, she leads from the front and has shown great clarity and transparency throughout. We must stick to the current plan if we all want to be free from the risk and in some situation that may be until a vaccine is found. Think of all those who have lost their lives so far and you will soon understand being in lockdown at home although difficult it is still farbetter to be alive than keep moaning!
  • Posted by activeandvibrant May 10, 2020 at 16:25

    Using age as an excuse to incarcerate people is wrong immoral and should have no place in a civilised society that values equality and freedom. We are perfectly healthy and lead a busy active fulfilling and participatory life. Much more so than many younger people. Very concerned that this idea is STILL even being considered. We have the right (at the moment not a police state) to make our own decisions.
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