Part-time return to school

When returning to school primary children could return on a part-time basis. Half could attend Mon, Tues, Wed then for the rest of the week do on-line learning. The other half would do the opposite. Every week the Wednesdays would swap.

Teachers are already carrying out on-line learning which is very time consuming to prepare quality lessons. Time would be needed to not only prepare class lessons but also to prepare on-line lessons. In order to do this the children could only attend school in the mornings to do numeracy and literacy. They would then receive input about their on-line lessons and could be supported with the work they have been set. As they would be in school for part of the week they could also be given packs of work for home.

This would mean the problem of lunches would be solved. Either the children would be fed at home or would be given a packed lunch to take home with them.

PPE would need to be supplied to schools and all should wear masks. Structures would need to be put in place to ensure social distancing or some kind of screening to separate children constructed.

On the schools return in August all classes should remain in the year they were in for 3 to 4 weeks in order to carry out better transitions for all stages.

Why the contribution is important

This would be a practical solution to enable some kind of class contact but also enabling a degree of social distancing.

by MW20 on May 07, 2020 at 07:03PM

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  • Posted by Nursewifemother May 07, 2020 at 19:24

    I agree but for primary I would suggest am or pm, and delay start of new P1s until October
  • Posted by Michellesmith May 07, 2020 at 19:29

    I feel we need to do this slowly. I know children are missing friends and staff .
    Children may social distance in class but it wont work during break times .also feel it will up the risk as parents will be high risk while dropping kids at school .
  • Posted by Eleeko May 07, 2020 at 19:34

    It will pose difficulty for working parents, however, it workable combined with online learning.
  • Posted by Brb May 07, 2020 at 20:08

    I don't agree with children wearing masks at school, especially for younger children. I don't think it's appropriate, and they would not use them properly. Likewise, expecting nursery or younger primary children to maintain distance between each other, the teacher, and support staff, is not practical.

    Hiwber, I agree that a part time return to school could work, depending on how it's managed.
  • Posted by Mariemunday May 07, 2020 at 20:10

    I totally agree with the children being in same year group even u TIL the October break then transition should take place. I will not send my children back to school until after summer regardless if they go back before then.
  • Posted by Katie May 08, 2020 at 00:57

    Agree that children need to remain in same classes until at least Sep weekend or October week to let them re-settle and for p7 to do proper transition and proper end to their time at primary.
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