People need a choice

It is human nature that when anywhere reopens, we all tend to flood the place and overcrowding just isn't healthy these days- so it's no use just opening one sector of society -we need options so we have a choice of where to go - work, shop, leisure - whatever that maybe - so the load can be spread and we have options.
We should all wear some sort of face covering when with others not of the same family unit but where places can demonstrate a reasonable sensible ability to open whilst still complying with whatever our Government say is required, then they should be allowed to open up again.
We all face an element of risk, but we must be in a far better state of preparedness than we were 6 weeks ago so time to unwrap some of the cotton wool and allow us to live again, whilst still taking care of the higher risk people.

Why the contribution is important

Allows society to open in a planned way so that everyone can benefit and get the economy moving.

by Darvon15 on May 08, 2020 at 09:36AM

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  • Posted by lmg1612 May 08, 2020 at 09:47

    Totally agree (except for face masks). However, I fear this lock down will stretch to at least 12 weeks. Looking at how other countries have dealt with it, that's my uneducated guess.
  • Posted by Lynne_W May 08, 2020 at 10:19

    I believe the evidence suggests the impact on the majority of people is limited. Instead we should be focusing on the vulnerable groups, including appropriate financial and in terms of their wellbeing.
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