Phased approach

Allow the NHS to get back to ‘normal’ and start all routine operations again before lifting too many other restrictions which may cause a spike and put pressure back on NHS. A lot of people have experienced delays on what were already long waiting lists and this would only cause more stress and anxiety. This should be the first priority.
The economy does however need to start moving again and we do need to create a new ‘normal’ for the foreseeable. Allow more local businesses to open but operate within the restricted guidelines, continue to encourage home working where possible.
Allow small group/bubble gatherings between friends and families (one group of 10 to start). Lifting people’s spirits and giving some sense of normality back, which would hopefully deter people from breaking any other rules.

Why the contribution is important

The ideas are important as the public need to see a view of getting back to some normality with some relaxations. My ideas would allow this whilst keeping the key things we are trying to prevent protected.
If Scotland were to continue as is with no change whilst the message in England is different you would find the public more likely to deter and not support the Government’s plan like they have done thus far.

by jenlogue on May 08, 2020 at 08:56AM

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  • Posted by Dwilliams21 May 08, 2020 at 11:01

    The approach has to be phased but I fear a traffic light approach as mentioned by some commentators is too broad an approach. I think we need a menu of relaxations that can be turned on gradually and off again if needed, swiftly. This allows for some fine tuning. I realise it makes the message more complicated to communicate but I believe the risk to R would be greater. Some input from modellers would be helpful here?
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