Phased return

Widely appreciated that 7 kids per class space is max manageable under distancing rules. So in a class usually consisting of 30 in secondary school, that’s around a quarter of the class. So with full staffing (which won’t be the case due to shielding) you’ll only be able to staff 1/4 of the school at a time. Now to teach a class (who have chosen subjects as part of a pathway), as a subject specialist teachers will have to deliver the same lesson 4 times to 7 students at a time. Which means delivering 75% fewer lessons per day / week. Just being in the building doesn’t automatically equate to learning, its childcare. Secondly, as a parent, I will choose, as much as possible to keep my child out of school. I will absolutely promise that the guaranteed way to spread an infection is to introduce it to a school environment. Parents can’t stop their own children congregating, when it’s the law. There is zero chance of it working in a school. Also if younger people are less susceptible (not immune, by any stretch) they can still be carrying the virus, even if they themselves are immune, to someone who isn’t. Supported students are working and progressing superbly with online learning. I’m not guessing here, it’s my day job. Work from home. Learn from home. Support your kids. Get senior kids back to full time education as soon as they can safely go back properly, in proper full classes and practical spaces where the nonsensical idea of sterilising equipment & furniture between classes (up to 10 per day in some schools) isn’t a requirement. When testing, treatment, prevention & infection rates are where they need to be. Make sure every student has access to the digital resources, and services they need where they are.

Why the contribution is important

This is from first hand experience and it will stop people from dying

by TeachingDad on May 11, 2020 at 07:32PM

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