phased return of exam pupils

as a new 6th year, i know the struggles of exams and exam preparation. some subjects just are not possible to do via online classes, we need to find a way to return us pupils who need it for upcoming exams, back into the buildings.

even if this means additional measures such as hand sanitiser in every class and face masks at all times. something needs to be sorted to get us back in.

Why the contribution is important

education is so important, people need to try and move on with their lives and there is only a set amount of time people have to do this. us young people are already struggling just as much as everyone around us, but carrying the possibility of so much learning missed and causing exams to be overly hard to achieve, adds a further burden.

by hannahsnee on May 06, 2020 at 09:55AM

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  • Posted by emren89 May 06, 2020 at 11:09

    Schools are a breeding ground for all germs. Pupils and staff should not be at risk this way - schools should not be rushed to open just to fit around an exam timetable. Online work should continue - if anything needs to change it should be SQA, as we seen from their embarrassing Q&A session with MSPs.
  • Posted by slf May 06, 2020 at 11:14

    "Education is so important" so why is your year more important than anyone else. All kids are entitled to an education from age3-18. My son has missed the same amount of education as you and that's going to affect his exam results when he eventually goes to sit them.
    "Some subjects are just not possible to do via online lessons" that's the same for everyone.
  • Posted by AMNCL0605 May 06, 2020 at 12:11

    Absolutely agree with this for all students sitting National exams next year.
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