phased return to work and play

I think that a gradual lifting of the lockdown could happen sooner rather that later due to the following reasons

1 we know where the new cases are happening

2 we now to keep our distance and that it works

3 the number in intensive care is dropping and we know where they are

knowing the above details low risk work could start i e construction,garden centres, all outdoor activities as long as self distancing is followed the areas allowing this could be post coded if we have to all wait for every area to be infection free the lockdown could last months this causes resentment, and the gov loses control of the lockdown as everyone does there own thing you have to trust folk to do the right which with a few exceptions they have been doing for the last 6 weeks

Why the contribution is important

to get out of total lockdown and save jobs as well as lives

by charliecameron on May 05, 2020 at 02:31PM

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  • Posted by IanB May 05, 2020 at 14:38

    We don't really know "where they are occurring". We do know that either the fatality rate is much higher than previously claimed, or we have missed a large number of cases.
  • Posted by moviescot May 05, 2020 at 14:41

    One to one contact occupations such as hairdresser, barbers and dentists really need to be a low priority. Near the last phase.
    Workers who can should be told to work from home - with modern technology offices, radio stations and tv shows must come from home or not at all. Again these should be a last phase scenario.,
  • Posted by Louisethomson20 May 05, 2020 at 14:44

    I think if we are not careful about timing and how we do this we could get a second peak...these are people s lives not numbers.
  • Posted by moviescot May 05, 2020 at 14:45

    Play should be separated from work. Play or leisure is much more important for peoples well being. If at all possible travel within Scotland/UK should be possible during the school holidays. This should be on the basis that you have booked a holiday in an area and intend to stay within that general area. Touring style holidays should be banned. This will give people who have been cooped up for months the chance to leave the large conurbations and get some country air and freedom. But this will have to be done within exisitng social distancing rules.
  • Posted by Belladonna May 05, 2020 at 15:00

    1. - Do we know where the new cases are happening? Fresh outbreaks can happen anywhere, at any time. If you know in advance where the cases are happening then you seem to be party to information that no-one else is.

    2. But what about the population members who have not adhered to lockdown and social distancing, and therefore don't know what this means?

    3. That number will skyrocket again if we don't come out of lockdown in a controlled, measured fashion.
  • Posted by charliecameron May 05, 2020 at 18:08

    yes we do know the information is gathered daily for the FM she also knows the ITU no from each hospital
  • Posted by Belladonna May 06, 2020 at 08:53

    That's just people who are admitted to hospital - that bears no relation to the number of people in the country who have the virus who cannot currently be tested for it. We have no idea of the true numbers infected with this.
  • Posted by BrendaRae May 07, 2020 at 17:14

    Testing for the virus and tracking it would allow a phased return to both work and play. Different professions would need to ensure that social distancing could be maintained which would allow them to open for business.
    Play will be more difficult to monitor as children do not understand social distancing but their social development and their mental health needs to be taken into account.
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