Phased school returns
I am a secondary school pe teacher and I have genuine concern about the viability of pupils all using equipment, taking part in extra curricular pe (including weekends where travel is required) and the viability of getting through certificated pe.
I would bring the school holidays forward to June 1st allowing parents and teachers breathing space. Most new TT start at the beginning of June and this would allow time for clear planning to take place and pressure off teachers and parents.
In August o would make sure S1 pupils are fully transitioned into secondary with a phased / staggered 2 week return
I.e. half the year group in mon-wed morning and the other half in wed pm - Friday
This would be the only year group in school for two weeks.
I would continue home learning for certificated pupils and some staff would be in school with S1 and some at home working with certificated classes , therefore reducing the number of teachers in.
I would then bring back S2-6 in a staggered TT, possibly week one of September and keep this stagger in place until the start of the October holiday.
S1,2,3 in Monday -wed am and S4-6 wed pm - Friday.
Any gaps in TT would be filled with double time for classes. For example if you had S4 on a Monday then s1-3 could get double time and similarly with S4-6 the rest of the week, hopefully giving them the contact time they need.
Teachers would be rotated in a similar fashion to reduce foot fall.
I would ban all contact sports and fixtures, training until at least January 2021.
I would bring the school holidays forward to June 1st allowing parents and teachers breathing space. Most new TT start at the beginning of June and this would allow time for clear planning to take place and pressure off teachers and parents.
In August o would make sure S1 pupils are fully transitioned into secondary with a phased / staggered 2 week return
I.e. half the year group in mon-wed morning and the other half in wed pm - Friday
This would be the only year group in school for two weeks.
I would continue home learning for certificated pupils and some staff would be in school with S1 and some at home working with certificated classes , therefore reducing the number of teachers in.
I would then bring back S2-6 in a staggered TT, possibly week one of September and keep this stagger in place until the start of the October holiday.
S1,2,3 in Monday -wed am and S4-6 wed pm - Friday.
Any gaps in TT would be filled with double time for classes. For example if you had S4 on a Monday then s1-3 could get double time and similarly with S4-6 the rest of the week, hopefully giving them the contact time they need.
Teachers would be rotated in a similar fashion to reduce foot fall.
I would ban all contact sports and fixtures, training until at least January 2021.
Why the contribution is important
It's important for the fluency of education and to avoid another complete lockdown and disruption to exams next year.
by deanope on May 05, 2020 at 02:03PM
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