Phasing in elective surgery

Phase in elective surgery while the hospitals are quiet before raising the lockdown. Prioritise shielded patients and the most urgent cases they need ICU beds to be available to them, if a second wave of covid hits after the lockdown this will not happen. People waiting for surgery have been careful with their health but can’t wait indefinitely to see how the public health experiment works out.

Why the contribution is important

It will protect shielding and urgent cases whilst enabling hospitals to gradually return to normal. The shielded must have confidence in health professionals and access have access to medical treatment otherwise they will be isolated and housebound indefinitely.

by Greygate on May 06, 2020 at 08:49AM

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  • Posted by AnnaKucharska May 06, 2020 at 10:43

    We really need to think about how to get people with pre existing conditions treated safely, my sisters hip replacement has already been delayed before this, it’s getting worse all the time, there’s obviously thousands of people in the same boat.
  • Posted by Ballater24 May 06, 2020 at 11:55

    Sorry we dont have the staff and it cant be changed overnight.

    Wish we did/could.

    We won't make patients wait any longer than they have to, but there would be an outcry if we suddenly couldn't cope with a further coronavirus surge.
  • Posted by JackieScott May 09, 2020 at 21:43

    Absolutely agree. There are currently 350 empty bed in my health board. Staff are not pushed at all. The government is putting non-covid patients who are suffering from other health problems at risk. People don't just die from covid, the majority will die of something else. Get normal NHS services underway asap. The NHS has the capacity right now, and this information is factual published within local health board
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