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I should firstly say that I am not an SMP voter however I have been impressed by the professionalism shown by Nicola Sturgeon. I watched the UK announcement last night and was really disappointed, it was as though they were saying that’s it back to normal. I avidly watch Gov Andrew Cuomo and one of the things that I take from him is that this is a real opportunity to make changes, is there a better way of doing something eg working from home and that you can’t just go back to work as was suggested by the PM. Surely we should be thinking how can we go back to work, it seems unrealistic to suggest ok back to work on Wednesday. So I want to continue with our Scottish only approach, the messages have been clear, well explained and justified. I am perfectly capable of taking in information that is “for Scotland” especially when we have the opportunity to listen the Scottish press briefings every day. I hope as a country we continue to think before we act and give sufficient guidance & time for businesses to put appropriate measures in place

Why the contribution is important

I think we need a clear message that is based on fact within our own region of the country

by Scotmac on May 11, 2020 at 12:29PM

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  • Posted by snail May 11, 2020 at 16:39

    The First Minister has been impressive during the crisis. She has a grasp of all the issues of concern to the public, she has given a clear message, she has explained the reasons for the decisions of the Scottish Government, when she doesn't have an answer to a question she says so and tells us why.

    Behind every decision there are teams of elected representatives, officers and officials doing a great deal of work to ensure the best outcome for the people of our country. The First Minister does not pluck the lockdown regulations out of the air. Decisions are taken after a great deal of consultations and are based on the available evidence.
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