Please make active travel the easiest and most convenient option for all

Please divert any transport funds available to active travel.

e.g. subsidise e-bikes (my partner commutes around 7000 miles per year on his in the Highlands - he still doesn't classify himself as a cyclist)

Stop funding road widening etc.

Why the contribution is important

Because we have a once in a lifetime easy opportunity to change the way we travel for most of our journeys - for the benefit of health and the enivironment. Also because gridlock will result if not.

by JSAvoch on May 11, 2020 at 05:35PM

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  • Posted by IMcK May 11, 2020 at 17:53

    This is indeed a fantastic opportunity to rethink our travel. It will make the lockdown easier to manage and could have long term benefits too.
    Put in cycle lanes with temporary measures; use cones and temporary signs. Close off roads to all but local traffic. Try out dramatic new things to prioritise pedestrians and bikes. This doesn't need a lot of money or planning. Put things in place and remove them if they don't work.
    I'd suggest the Slow Streets programme in Oakland California could provide an inspiration/ template.
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