
I think gyms should be allowed to open! Gyms can re-open and be safe with the right precautions in place. Restrictions on numbers allowed in at one time per sq meter, proper sanitation stands, hand gels etc. The gym is an escape for many people who have mental health issue and thus being taken away is having a great impact on people at this time. If shops like b&q etc can open to get paint when that's not essential then when not a gym facility where it can be restricted and monitored to be safe. Off licenses are open so alcoholics can still get a drink but a gym where people go to escape mental health issues can't?

Why the contribution is important

Because for many people the gym environment is an escape that can have a positive impact on their mental health. Lockdown is having a negative effect on many people right now & and allowing people to have train and have their routine will help them a lot.

by Cwiedenhof on May 05, 2020 at 05:45PM

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  • Posted by lindyloo May 05, 2020 at 18:09

    We need to be thinking of peoples mental and physical health. Coronavirus is the only thing the government is thinking about. They dont care about the bigger picture. More people will have their physical or mental health affected by the lockdown than by coronavirus itself. We need to start getting our lives back to normal. It's unfair the majority of us have to put our lives on hold till goodness knows when to help protect the older generation with underlying health conditions
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