Positive action campaigns Get Fit and Healthy Get Walking and Cycling

the country desperately needs some positive messages to counterbalance all the negative news and the do not do this messages.

One of the best protections against Covid is being in good health. Scotland has a major problem with obesity /poor diet and nutrition/ lack of fitness. Lets encourage folk to Get Fit and Healthy ( have a national campaign led by popular figures who may themselves have these problems) .

Another related protection against Covid is being outside in the fresh air. Let's have a national campaign to Get Scotland Walking/Cycling . This would lessen the risks of travelling by public transport and encourage more folk to power their own way to work not use their cars. If folk are to return to work, we run the risk of INCREASING the number of cars on the road to above what it was before lockdown. We could link it to increase in road surface improvement works (biggest hazard on urban roads is shocking surfaces) and to provision of more city bike schemes and cycleways.

We would also be encouraged to Get Scotland Growing. Allotment holders have benefited hugely, mentally and physically and ultimately nutritionally, from being allowed to visit and work on their plots during the lockdown. They could be encouraged to buddy up on line or on phone with new gardeners. Waste land in cities and on the edges of towns could be opened up to growing sites.

All of these campaigns would give folk a sense of being in charge to some extent at least of their destiny. Covid is a health crisis but one way to respond is to see it as an opportunity to promote POSITIVE ACTION on health improvements.

Why the contribution is important

gives a lift to people. Gives them something they CAN do. Helps mental health. Improves long term future well being of the country.

by Woodsider on May 11, 2020 at 10:07AM

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  • Posted by LynneW May 11, 2020 at 10:29

    I agree - we should be addressing the health of the country during this time. A healthier population will be less strain on the NHS at ALL times. It is quite shocking to see the pictures in the media of our population - we do not look like a healthy, active nation.
  • Posted by Scotland_is_flatlining May 11, 2020 at 10:46

    The positive message we are alll waiting for should be to Leave your Home and Go back to Work; or Stay Alert.

    If you wait for Scot Gov to organise a campaign it will be too late and it will all be over.
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