Post pandemic living

* Universal basic income - to support a happier, healthier, less stressful society.

* Repatriate off-shore money to an on-shore 'virtual off-shore system' - to be accounted for.

* Support trading between Scottish companies - and strengthen local currencies to exist alongside a Scottish/ British currency.

Why the contribution is important

I don't know that it is! But if the Chinese proverb that "a crisis is also an opportunity" is true, it would be stupid to simply go back to 'business as usual', since that was not a particular happy existence for too many people. Plus, it was what led to where we are now, which is also not a particular happy place for even more people. So it makes sense to make some deep changes and one thing a secure basic income for everyone will ensure, is a lowering of stress levels - one of the major culprits in the general health of the population today.

by etatscourie on May 10, 2020 at 02:53PM

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  • Posted by wisteria May 10, 2020 at 15:25

    I think we should definitely use this opportunity to rethink how we function; how self sufficient we could be; how we could improve quality of life.
  • Posted by Jay32 May 10, 2020 at 15:59

    Agree with wisteria. Many previous priorities, both country/society level and personal have been exposed, found wanting and changed by this pandemic. Going forward there is an opportunity to act on our newfound understanding of what is important and what has not worked. Encouraged by the local PPE production deal we now have in place - it would be good if we could harness the talent, drive and skills we have in our country to depend less on imports and re-energise our own industries. People have shown how much we all want to contribute, how much we value our communities and how innovative our workforce can be.
  • Posted by Sleepbetter May 10, 2020 at 16:56

    We have a chance to reshape our society, to be fairer and more compassionate. It is important to have co-operation with other countries but also to focus on the wellbeing of our country.
  • Posted by Carronhall May 10, 2020 at 17:02

    We should be making the best of the postives out of this crisis. In addition to those mentioned in this idea, put money back into the scottish economy through use of home grown produce, local holidays as these are without the need for quarantine, keep the more efficient measures brought in e.g. telephone appointments with GPs and hospitals, working from home, cashless payments etc...
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