Postcode lockdown

My idea would be to have a testing station in every postcode. Firstly, key workers in those area would be tested. Those who have had the virus go back to work if not infectious along with those who are negative . This would be phased in with several occupations grouped and getting tested; e.g Week 1 Hospital staff Week 2 school staff week 3 construction workers etc if a high number of tests positive in a postcode then it is put back under lockdown. Travel restrictions stay in place meantime. Used in conjunction with the app uk government is rolling out, this could mean the economy is able to get up and running again

Why the contribution is important

This idea could minimise the risk of another rise in infection but get people back to work.
If the health services can identify clusters of infection, the government could send out texts locking down that postcode to minimise transmission.
Postcodes with few/no cases would begin to go back to work

by Andrewparker on May 05, 2020 at 02:10PM

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  • Posted by Agourlay May 05, 2020 at 14:13

    Postcodes are too small and this would be too much to setup, perhaps more per size of council ward?
  • Posted by Fifer72 May 05, 2020 at 14:14

  • Posted by Carol May 05, 2020 at 14:48

    Yes I agree targeting council wards more likey to be achievable and this would be goood start to lifting some restrictions. Support the need to maintain travel restriction to reduce travel from lockdown area to area restricions eased, however how would this work for those who have to travel from less restricted areas to work in lockdown areas
  • Posted by Ed May 05, 2020 at 14:55

    Agree, we can't lock down the full country if the virus is only in certain areas.
    The government need to get on top of testing and tracing ASAP. Then allow real that have no proven live cases to open their doors and get ob with living their lives.
    For those real that do have cases, a few more weeks of lockdown for them will allow the rest of the country to move forward.
  • Posted by EdinburghLizard May 05, 2020 at 15:38

    Agree but policing it would be really difficult, larger areas maybe could have lockdowns if high rate, but that would end up being all the main cities as they have the larger populations.
  • Posted by BrendaRae May 07, 2020 at 17:23

    A good starting idea but problems might arise if living in one area and working in another. We have to start somewhere and allow people back to work and some sense of normality.
    Testing and tracking would allow people back to work and help focus treatment or isolation to those who might still be at risk.
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