Preschool and primary school
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I feel that school term needs to be looked at and maybe changed. say from April to April across Scotland for both preschool and school children up . along with a shorter summer holiday season
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Our children have missed out on 5mths education and I feel every stage of learning needs a full term . From preschool up There’s transitions that need dealt with that are really important in a young child’s education . My grandson has missed 5mths of Nursery and needs support which he has lost now he is meant to start P1 this august 2020. He I know will not cope after the lockdown and is nowhere ready to attend full time education if children’s emotional balancing isn’t in place they won’t cope I’m only speaking about one child here and I have 3grandchildren in my care . I feel, the children should be allowed to go back to where they left of after so long at being away . Not putting them into another New situation. .all these children have been isolated from there peers , they should be allowed to start back where they left of ,not have the added pressure of moving forward ,when covid19 has held them back. There must be a way that we can give them some of the normality, back before jumping forward with ethereal education . We have to remember that we want the next generation to get it right . Learn from this traumatic experience and they will remember why this happened in the future. We have no way of knowing how long barriers and restrictions are going to be put in place . Asking the children to deal with all these restrictions at school will be hard never mind teaching them . Under these circumstances we have to get there needs met not just open the doors and expect children to behave differently with social distancing at schools . I just cannot see how we expect this to work with very young children who will not be thinking about going back to school or preschool but seeing there friends again . I for one would rather they go back, and get balanced to be ready to learn again . Which I cannot see being this August for preschool to p1 -p4 ,it’s too much of an ask for there emotional well-being . I hope that we could find a way to remove term start and end times to assist there rights to the best education Scotland has to offer them .
by Karenh on May 06, 2020 at 11:39PM
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