Primary Schools

Please keep primary schools closed before a phased return in August. As a teacher and a parent this is causing me no end of anxiety. None of our hubs have appropriate ppe and social distancing in there alone is proving extremely difficult. I have a class of p1 children all whom need a lot of reassurance and are very hands on needing to approach for cuddles etc. Some of these pupils also struggle with toileting and need support with this. Trying to keep children apart at 5 years old is nigh impossible and I fear would cause more mental health issues. Coming from the point of view of childcare for my own children with one at nursery and one at primary my mum is their main carer before and after school. She is unable to do this being at the vulnerable group which worries me if children are put on a different rota to me there is literally no one else and my childrens school have no out of hours provisions. I do not feel confident with my own children returning safety wise this is something that I do not feel I want to consider yet.

Why the contribution is important

Going back to soon will endanger health of children and families both mentally and with the exposure of covid

by Aham25 on May 05, 2020 at 05:58PM

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  • Posted by cdgilmour May 05, 2020 at 19:14

    I wholeheartedly support the thinking, that continued school closures are the safest option, for the physical and psychological health of children, parents and staff. The eventual easing of restrictions in relation to schools could initially include an element of choice on the part of parents as to whether their child returns at that particular time. One option might be that schools could initially be open to those pupils whose parents require to return to work, as it currently the case with the children of key workers. Effective high quality online provision could continue, until a significantly greater level of confidence is achieved.
  • Posted by franko May 05, 2020 at 19:19

    Agree with the above comment but I think the classroom would need to be completely redesigned structurally changed to encourage social distancing and I don’t think that can happen in a couple of weeks. I also don’t wish to send my kids into a hub they are not familiar with and where they are at risk of transmitting and spreading infection. Yes I agree economy needs to start but childcare such as healthy grandparents should be considered to allow semi normal routines to return.
  • Posted by SHendry May 05, 2020 at 19:50

    I agree with the comments above. I am a peri teacher. I worry about the risk to me going in and out if lots of schools. I have children at school so could only work on days they were also at school. This would require a lot of planning but then the kids I support at work then may not be in on days I am working. Difficult though it is I feel keeping schools closed for now is the safest option.
  • Posted by Stephenaitken123 May 06, 2020 at 07:29

    From the perspective of working parents who have to work full-time from home but homeschool children this is an idea I wholeheartedly do not support. The clinical evidence for primary school children spreading the infection is flimsy at best. Reopen schools with immediate effect.
  • Posted by Stephenaitken123 May 06, 2020 at 07:29

    From the perspective of working parents who have to work full-time from home but homeschool children this is an idea I wholeheartedly do not support. The clinical evidence for primary school children spreading the infection is flimsy at best. Reopen schools with immediate effect.
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