Prioritise return to school and other settings - Additional Support for Learning
The framework needs to set out specific detail and actions for the recovery of education (and other services) for disabled children and young people with Additional Support for Learning needs and to prioritise this.
This should include specific guidance on shielding, distancing, testing, and supporting disabled people who may need close support. This guidance should extend to the young disabled people themselves, their parents and carers, school and auxiliary staff including transport workers, and the education providers. It should recognise the stress and anxiety caused by the disruption to and loss of essential services and the impact on routines and mental health as a result of C-19.
This should include specific guidance on shielding, distancing, testing, and supporting disabled people who may need close support. This guidance should extend to the young disabled people themselves, their parents and carers, school and auxiliary staff including transport workers, and the education providers. It should recognise the stress and anxiety caused by the disruption to and loss of essential services and the impact on routines and mental health as a result of C-19.
Why the contribution is important
This is important because there is no specific detail on ASN provision in education in the Framework documents. The framework for moving us forward needs to include specific information and take a specific approach for ASL education in any setting.
Parents of young or adult children with additional support needs report very stressful experiences being in lock-down at home, particularly lone parents of one of more disabled children (see the report of Inclusion Scotland's Covid-19 survey for disabled people Action to prioritise this (safely) will help to ease family pressures and give children respite and the care they need, including the ratio of carer to child or young person they are require as support. We would add that this applies equally to much-needed respite care services.
Parents of young or adult children with additional support needs report very stressful experiences being in lock-down at home, particularly lone parents of one of more disabled children (see the report of Inclusion Scotland's Covid-19 survey for disabled people Action to prioritise this (safely) will help to ease family pressures and give children respite and the care they need, including the ratio of carer to child or young person they are require as support. We would add that this applies equally to much-needed respite care services.
by InclusionScotland on May 11, 2020 at 05:55PM
Posted by Haggis1 May 11, 2020 at 18:13
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