Private Physical Therapy Clinics

With enhanced hygiene measures including masks worn by the therapist and the client and an extra time slot to disinfect the premises to allow physical therapy to resume work. Of course some clinics will have waiting areas that will need to have distance between clients, but some are small practices that can only have 1 person in at a time.

Why the contribution is important

The number of reported cases of back and neck pain as well as other pains related to stress and poor movement has increased massively. Concerns that these issues are going to turn more serious if they do not have the treatment necessary. Chiropractors currently have an exemption to allow them to see their patients but physical therapists do not. This could also take some of the pressure away from NHS and most private physical therapists are self employed and are now struggling financially themselves.

by TTait on May 05, 2020 at 09:26PM

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  • Posted by Holisticgirl May 05, 2020 at 22:27

    I work on a self employed basis as a Massage Therapist and would welcome views on how to work with clients in a hands on capacity. I could not envisage doing treatments wearing PPE and gloves.
  • Posted by MartinRennison May 05, 2020 at 22:33

    Sorry physical therapy is in the main non-essential healthcare. Too much risk for relatively low reward.
  • Posted by Simon May 08, 2020 at 21:40

    Try telling that to the person suffering incredible pain. Why can we as professionals not behave like nurse practitioners in terms of PPE and crucial safety measures to help the people that need our help badly? I think we are all well trained and are more than capable of doing what is necessary to protect ourselves and the people that need us. It might mean that until such time as this current crisis dies down we cannot see front line workers who carry more risk in terms of infection, or those who are vulnerable in terms of their underlying conditions, but we are capable people who can make these calls until such time as we have sourced a reliable treatment or vaccine that allows us to see everyone as we normally would. (I'm sorry to say that to those that are in that category but until we beat this virus I hope you understand, we will be there for you when we can). As for the low reward...I cant understand what you mean, helping people out of pain means everything to me.
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