Proceed with Adoptions
Allow and encourage use of virtual hearings to allow adoptions to proceed. Virtual children's hearings have been established for other issues and virtual panels are taking place for matches but without final advice hearings able to take place the adoption process stalls. With no clear timescale or exit strategy to give an idea pf how long this will be the case this is not in the best interests of children or adopting families. It is widely recognised that there will be a safeguarding impact from this period of lockdown and sadly there will be children requiring foster placements but places will be limited with so many children's adoptions stalled. Risk assessments and safe measures can be taken to manage transitions to home for children so the only block is the legal hurdle with lack of hearings. Please please revise this.
Why the contribution is important
The current suspension of adoption hearings is not in the best interests of children or adopting families. The technology is there to allow for virtual hearings so it is important that it's use is now extended.
by Lockdownmum2020 on May 08, 2020 at 10:08AM
Posted by petrav May 08, 2020 at 10:19
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Posted by winifred May 08, 2020 at 10:56
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