Procurement in future
NHS and government procurement in future needs to be reassessed. Centralisation restricts the number of manufacturers and suppliers who can contribute and price takes precedence over keeping local suppliers in business.
Why the contribution is important
Future resilience in many areas needs addressing. It is unlikely that this will be the last pandemic or global crisis. We wouldnt have won the last war if everything from ships to food came from overseas.
by GJBB on May 08, 2020 at 01:33PM
Posted by JBAKER May 08, 2020 at 13:55
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Posted by mnOg6512 May 08, 2020 at 17:16
This will also benefit economy, job creation and provide real value instead of the virtual value of many of the financial services we seem to rely on for wealth now.
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Posted by Bec May 09, 2020 at 13:37
Yes there need to be checks and balances but the current system has created a situation where mainly large organisations are the only ones able to bid and they artificially inflate the price, costing the tax payer a lot of money. Surely introducing a system where departments can get 3 quotes and be bound to declare any conflicts of interest with regular audits would be a far more manageable system.
This current crisis has highlighted how broken our current system is.
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Posted by ajgraham59 May 09, 2020 at 14:33
It is a circle you need chickens for school dinners you import from abroad at a cheaper price and the profit goes there. You buy from a Scottish producer at a higher price. He pays his staff here he has to employ more staff he pays his taxes here and all that money goes back into our economy and when there is a problem in the world with a virus we are then food secure as the chicken farm is here. Logical. We should be looking at all procurement in the same way.
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