Professions returning to work.
In anticipation of the eventual easing of the lockdown, has any analysis been completed to decide on which professions can safely return to work and when ?
Clearly any that involve direct contact with the public, even on a small scale, involves risk.
Even now you could argue (for example) surveyors could work now? Minimal contact with a homeowner (similar to plumbers etc...) and even after lockdown ends they would need to take the same precautions.
I am sure there are very similar examples.
Clearly any that involve direct contact with the public, even on a small scale, involves risk.
Even now you could argue (for example) surveyors could work now? Minimal contact with a homeowner (similar to plumbers etc...) and even after lockdown ends they would need to take the same precautions.
I am sure there are very similar examples.
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by tyrnavos on May 08, 2020 at 04:06PM
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