Progress existing Public Infrastructure

With travel at a minimum public infrastructure projects such as the extension of the Edinburgh tramline should be advanced. This will minimise disruption at a later time and by minimising future traffic disruption it will have an overall negative effect on pollution. The Edinburgh tram is just one example, there must be many more infrastructure projects across Scotland that have been prematurely halted or put on ice completely.

Why the contribution is important

Reduced traffic circulation at present facilitates improvement/ repairs to infrastructure while minimising major inconvenience/congestion under ‘normal’ circumstances.

Lower congestion results in less pollution from stationary/slow moving traffic.

Less pollution = healthier surroundings for pedestrians and those living on or near busy thoroughfares.

by ErnestWastell on May 07, 2020 at 07:55AM

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  • Posted by JLaw May 07, 2020 at 10:17

    I would support allowing construction projects, particularly those which have a positive future impact on reducing carbon emissions, to continue now - provided social distancing rules can be implemented to protect all workers.
    I also agree it is a really good time as other travel movements are decreased.
    However there are some issues which may need to be addressed related to travel to and from sites and the different situations of workers, including small sub contractors in particular.
    The costs of compliance may need to be factored in, but this should not be at the expense of small sub contractors who are likely to be least well placed to bear any financial burdens.
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