propose that the meeting of friends/family are important to many

Myself and many others that I know have been stuck at home with no contact with any other people, I think it is very important that we can have some contact with the outside world for our mental health. The longer you are home isolating from all I think the more daunting it is to go out.

Why the contribution is important

Mental health

by klucas247 on May 05, 2020 at 10:50PM

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  • Posted by julselis May 05, 2020 at 23:19

    Please think about the massive number of us who live alone and have no immediate family to add into a 'social bubble'...It absolutely MUST include the possibility of adding friends to your 'bubble', many of us have no family, or family who live far away, or elderly parents who are currently shielding....adding the opportunity to see 'family' (as I believe the UK govt proposed) will NOT help the majority of us who are living alone with our mental health being slowly destroyed....I cannot remember the last time I touched a human being, and had I known it would be the last time for this year or possibly forever, I might never have let them go. Please help single people living alone see their friends!
  • Posted by murrayme8 May 05, 2020 at 23:21

    I think immediate family is important to visit and that really to me in hospital and in shielding but friends at the moment more research is needed and I do suffer from mental health but family is so important
  • Posted by Katz May 05, 2020 at 23:29

    I think seeing family is the most important thing.
    My family live 300 miles away. At present two of them have just tested negative for Covid19 and the other two are working from home/ furloughed and apart from a weekly shop have had no physical contact with anyone else since lockdown. Surely they present less risk to us NOW than in a few weeks when lockdown isn’t eased and they are back at work, using public transport etc.
  • Posted by Audmac May 06, 2020 at 00:00

    People are really struggling with their mental health and lack of support
  • Posted by Lyzzy33 May 06, 2020 at 00:00

    I agree that it is important for our mental health to have contact with the world outside our homes
  • Posted by Waverley63 May 06, 2020 at 02:04

    There are many elderly people who are not on the internet and whose family live miles away and are desperate to see them. Family who normally help with cleaning, household tasks, cooking etc. These ‘just about managing’ elderly people are slipping through the net. Let their families help them!
  • Posted by Djalaodbdld May 06, 2020 at 02:29

    I have to agree. Allowing people to add one or two other households to their bubble would really help everyone. Even if to start with this has to be as outside gatherings. Many countries have plans for this including Ireland and Guernsey has already allowed people to increase their bubble to include another household. Especially where one of the households only includes one person the increased risk would be minimal.
  • Posted by NClarke May 06, 2020 at 08:07

    My children are teenagers who I am proud to say have followed the rules completely but they are finding it difficult - missing friends and boyfriends. There mental health has been affected they need to see that the end is in sight and a plan is needed to give hope of when they might see friends again!!!! They miss university and the routine of life. Us parents can do jobs in house they are just waiting for this to end!
  • Posted by Rainbowbright May 06, 2020 at 08:13

    Very very important, not all immediate family live together. To be apart from your family and not know when you will be allowed to see them again is very difficult. Is this really saving lives?
  • Posted by Mags1 May 06, 2020 at 08:44

    Allow contact between family members. If we say we are being guided by scientist then so be it. However there are scientists that are saying we are heading for a catastrophic mental health crisis. Even the smallest relaxation could alleviate that potential and prevent further deterioration of the health of family members already suffering from enduring mental health issues.
  • Posted by can1793 May 06, 2020 at 14:07

    For the sake of the mental health of some people contact with others is a MUST. I think we need to stop just focusing on family as not everyone lives close to their family or even have a family. Friends for some are as important as family. A meet up with a small number of other people outside the house at a safe social distance will give people the support and boost to their mental health they need.
  • Posted by cwtullia May 07, 2020 at 06:17

    Given that it's very obvious a lot of people are doing this anyway, it would be nice if those of us following the rules could too
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